
Self Development Dictionary

No matter how much or how little you have in your life, you can feel complete by manifesting the quality of abundance.

Accelerated Learning
Accelerated Learning is a style of learning in which one learns and retains information in an intensive and shortened amount of time using various methods which allow you to read, retain, and recollect information quickly and efficiently.

Achievement connotes final accomplishment of something noteworthy, after much effort and often in spite of obstacles and discouragements.

Assessment Tools
Assessment tools are a devices or activities, such as charts, reports, or brainstorming sessions, that help in monitoring the effectiveness of a program.

The term "attitude" refers to your disposition or state of mind, whether to a specific event or to life in general. Attitude is the result of one's perceptions. How we perceive an event or experience will largely determine the attitude we develop about future events and experiences, and a positive attitude can help a person weather the rough patches in life.

Body Language
Body Language is nonverbal, usually unconscious, communication through the use of postures, gestures, and facial expressions.

Brain Enhancement
Brain Enhancement can be achieved by different means of skills, methods, tests, and enrichment exercises to increase memory, reflexes, and attitude.

Business Networking
Business networking is the act of making personal connections to people who can help you achieve your business objectives.

Coach Training
Coach Training prepares students to become professional coaches themselves – giving them the knowledge, resources and motivation they need to become effective coaches and build their coaching careers.

Communication Skills and Training
Communication Skills are tools and methods to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of an exchange of information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.

Continuing Education
Continuing Education may refer to either a post-secondary education or an education required in a licensed profession in order for the professional to maintain the license.

Creativity Training and Enhancement
Creativity Training & Enhancement are mental and psychological methods through which one can improve or enhance the level of their personal creativity.

Distance Learning and E-Learning
Through Distance Learning, one can receive professional instruction in a subject without having to physically visit a classroom. Distance Learning relies on the Internet, phone or even mail to provide educational opportunities at a distance.

Self Improvement E-books create a great resource through which to obtain information on self improvement by experts and enthusiasts.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
EFT is the psychotherapeutic theory that suggests that negative emotions are caused by disturbances in the body's energy field and that balance can be restored through a sequence of tapping points.

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups. Emotional Intelligence is often measured as an Emotional Intelligence Quotient or EQ.

Empowerment is increasing the spiritual, political, social or economic strength of individuals and communities and often involves developing confidence in one’s own capacities.

From the French word for “one who undertakes,” an Entrepreneur is one who organizes or starts a business venture, usually at considerable personal risk.

Executive Coach and Executive Coaching
Executive coaching focuses on the needs of executives and assists them in developing their managerial and executive skills by providing feedback, tools and training. This section is dedicated to resources on executive coaching and executive coaches.

Future Trends
Through careful analysis of contemporary trends

Goal Setting
Goal Setting involves setting a specific, time targeted personal or business objective. In order for both short term and long term goals to be met, they must be realistic and clearly defined.

Habits are recurrent, often unconscious patterns of behavior that are acquired through frequent repetition. The section is dedicated to resources on both positive and negative habits and how to live with your habits.

Home School and Home Schooling
Home schooling is the education of children at home, typically by parents or guardians, rather than in a public or private school setting.

Imagery and Visualization
Visualization is the practice of seeking to affect the outer world via changing one's thoughts. By forming mental images of the material goods you’d like to have or the life circumstances you'd like to be in, you hope to make them reality.

Inspiration can have many sources - from the everyday to the divine - but the end result of inspiration is to lift the individual to a more focused and determined pursuit of their goals.

Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational Quotes are sayings, from literature, movies, and conversation, that when reflected upon bring personal motivation.

An individual can exhibit Integrity by adhering to sound moral and ethical principles, and demonstrating honesty and strong moral character in all of his or her dealings with others.

Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction is a theory commonly associated with New Age and New Thought philosophy. It posits that one should never dwell on the negative, as the metaphysical principle of life is embodied in a "law of attraction": "you get what you think about.

Leadership is facilitating, guiding or a directing a group, most commonly toward a shared goal.

Learning is the act of gaining knowledge through study, instruction or experience.

Life Coach and Life Coaching
Life Coaching is the practice of assisting clients to determine and achieve personal goals. A coach will use a variety of methods, tailored to the client, to move through the process of setting and reaching goals.

Listening Skills
As important a part of communication as being a good speaker, being a good listener requires having the listening skills to help you understand, see the perspective of and empathize with other people.

You can manifest your desires and make them a reality by train

Mind Control
Mind Control is the theories and/or techniques designed to subvert an individual's control of their own thinking, behavior, emotions, or decisions.

Mind Power
Mind power can be used to train your mind and direct the power of your subconscious mind toward success by working with your thoughts and beliefs to eliminate negative thinking.

Motivation are those tools aimed at inspiring individuals to plan their goals, reach their dreams, and become successful.

Motivational Products and Services
Motivational Products & Services are those tools aimed at inspiring individuals to plan their goals, reach their dreams, and become successful.

Negotiating Skills
Negotiating Skills are the tools and techniques involved in peaceful, alternative dispute resolution.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), is based on the idea that all language and behaviors are highly structured. It uses

Organizing and Learning How to Organize
Many successful people are extremely organized. Organizing and learning how to organize have become important skills as the complexity of our lives continues to increase.

Peak Performance
Though the term "peak performance" could apply to a number of different areas of self improvement, one thing is clear – peak performance implies that the individual in question is operating at the top of his or her game. The following websites relating to Peak Performance have been reviewed by the editorial staff at SelfGrowth.com for quality and caliber.

Personal Accountability
Personal Accountability allows you to move away from a mindset where things happen "to you" in your life without your consent or influence, and embrace your role in the way your life is shaped by moving to a place of true power and freedom.

Personal Development
Personal Development is the general method used by a person who seeks to improve any or all aspects of their life through self-taught strategies, publicly available information, or techniques taught by experts.

The art of persuasion – the ability to convince others to accept your points of view and follow your directions – has been recognized as a fundamental building block for personal success since ancient times.

Productivity is calculated by dividing the amount of goods or services produced by the units of labor it required to make them. An individual, business or nation that can increase its productivity rate can achieve greater output for less work.

Prosperity is a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition -- the term is usually used in reference to finances or money. Prosperity is, in a general sense, good fortune.

Public Speaking
Public Speaking is speaking to a group of people in a structured manner with the intention to inform, influence, or entertain the audience. A good orator should be able to invoke emotion in their listeners, not just inform them.

Publishing includes the stages of the development, acquisition, copy editing, graphic design, printing (and its electronic equivalents), and marketing and distribution of books, newspapers, magazines, musical works, software and other works dealing with information.

Self Help Books
Books create a great medium through which to obtain information on self improvement by experts and enthusiasts.

Self-Esteem and Self Confidence
Self-Esteem consists of the self relevant beliefs and emotions which shape one's individual feelings and worth of him/herself.

Self-publishing is the publishing of books and other media by the authors of those works, rather than by established, third-party publishers. Modern advances in printing technology have made self-publishing easier and more popular than ever.

Seminars and Workshops
Seminars & Workshops in self improvement allow people to learn the skills and techniques necessary to succeed, while networking with self improvement enthusiasts and experts.

Speed Reading
Speed Reading is a reading technique that allows for the assimilation of several words or phrases at a glance. There are different methods of speed reading for different type of people based on their individual learning styles.

Stage Fright and Overcoming Stage Fright
Stage fright or performance anxiety refers to an anxiety, fear or persistent phobia related to performance in front of an audience or camera. This form of anxiety can precede or accompany participation in any activity involving public self-presentation.

Stress Management
Stress Management is the skills, methods, and techniques involving in managing and reducing stress either a day-to-day basis or on a long term scale.

Success Coaching
Success Coaching is a motivational tool that will help someone stay focused on a goal or path with help from a self improvement professional.

Success Principles
Success Principles are the methods and attitudes people utilize to achieve great levels of success and change their lives. These principles are often very easy to apply to your everyday life.

Team Building
Team building involves the selection, training and motivation of a group of people working toward a common goal.

Time Management
Time Management is a key strategy in organizing one's times and events in order to meet deadlines, goals, and personal agendas.

Live as if your life depended on it. At all times and under all circumstances we have the power to transform the quality of our lives.

Vocabulary and Learning How to Improve Vocabulary
Learning how to improve your vocabulary will make you a more effective and engaging public speaker, presenter, and business person, as well as an all together more successful person.

Wisdom refers to the accumulated knowledge, erudition or enlightenment that allows one to judge what is true, right, and lasting.

Writing Tools
Writing Tools are any type of instrument or strategy to help one develop his/her writing and editing skills. Writing tools are also related to publishing and submitting one’s works.